  WSMF 2000
Steelband Music Festival
Trinidad & Tobago
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Port of Spain, Trinidad - Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies
    9th - 21st October 2000

Posted: 8th October 2000

FR = Final Result Points
Top-Rank = Top Ranking Place
FO = Finals Play Order
SFR = Semi Final Result Points
SFR-Rank = Semi Final Ranking Place
SFO = Semi Finals Play Order
PLR = Preliminary Result Points
PL-Rank = Preliminary Ranking Place
PO = Preliminaries Play Order
Qualified = Qualified at Competition or Event (Stated)
1998PB-IX = 16th October to 17th November 1998 - Pan is Beautiful IX - Trinidad
2000Fr = 21st May 2000 - Parc de la Villette - Paris - France
W-Zone = Representing Festival World Region
Carib = Caribbean; Euro = Europe; NAmr = North America; T&T = Trinidad and Tobago
Q-Place = Qualifier Place
Q-Points = Qualifier Points
Contestants = For Ensembles, Quartets, Duets and Soloists
w/a = Names When Available
Steelband / Associated Steelband = Name of Steelband
Local = Local Town / City form which Steelband originates
For T&T Only: NT = Northern; ET = Eastern; SC = South & Central; TB = Tobago - Panorama Designated Regions
Country = Representing Country
+ = Item information not known at this time


Wednesday October 11th 2000 - Orchestra Preliminaries-1    Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
Jean Pierre Complex, Woodbrook, PoS

THIS DAYS EVENT was cancelled due to pending rain. The arena saw rain spasmodically throughout the day and into the late afternoon. Communication problems after the decision by Pan Trinbago to cancel the event prevented word from reaching Sound Specialists and Moods, who were already at the venue when they got the news. Sound Specialists, undaunted by the threatening rain that lay more heavily to the south of the island, converted a disappointment into a practice session in the empty and drenched auditorium.
 Moods, local resources stretched thin, more true to their name by accident than by design, were more despondent now facing unplanned financial burdens for transport and players refreshments that would reoccur in the short term, but need to be addressed promptly for them to make a return to the venue tomorrow; as now requested by the organisers.
 The better connected visitor bands, networked through their hotels and serviced by their own minder co-ordinators, were better informed and less stressed by this postponement.
 The Orchestra Preliminaries have now been rescheduled to take place over the next two days, to the line-ups shown below. Further changes may yet occur.
  Orchestras or Steelbands
PLR PL-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
Thursday October 12th 2000 - Orchestra Preliminaries-2    Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
Jean Pierre Complex, Woodbrook, PoS

RAIN threatening but fading away by the afternoon, The World Steelband Music Festival 2000 got underway to present the first rounds of 8 steelbands in the Orchestra Preliminaries. With a parade of participating Country flags; an opening address by Mr Patrick Arnold, the WSMF 2000 Chairman and President of Pan Trinbago; and a principal address by the Secretary of State, on behalf of The Minister of Culture and Gender Affairs - otherwise detained - the Secretaries welcome to participating steelbands opened the Festival to the business of music.
 Starting at about 08:20 pm and ending somewhere around 02:30 am the following morning, visiting steelbands had a taste of the 'Panorama Time Lag' phenomenon by way of introduction to Trinidad and Tobago; long show times so accustomed by our local steelbands. The shows time-length compounded by yesterdays reschedule adding bands for today. The meticulous note making by the judges also added time to the proceedings; an arguably necessary task that not only maintains the standard of the event, but also now makes this one of the most unique Music Festivals in the world.
 The results of these conventional orchestra preliminaries were not issued to the expectant bands at the end of the show. The WSMF 2000 organisers indicating that all would be revealed after tomorrow's performances. A revealing feature of the rules of the show however, designed initially for a larger World Regional attendance than is presently the case, this time expects 16 of the 17 steelbands to again reappear in the semi-final leg. With the additional quirk that a tie at the bottom end results, puts everyone back in contention.
 It would be somewhat belittling at this time to take sides for any steelband in a show of such obvious august significance at this juncture and turning point in the history of the steelbands of the world, if only someone would take notice. All bands performed to a standard as large and entertaining as the occasion warranted. What became clear was that the performances from the visiting bands far superseded the expectations of the small but appreciative local attending audience.
 Such was the control displayed by the bands, that through a written note passed over while enjoying a soft passage of a bands performance, the message constructed by John Schmidt, a visiting sound Engineer from the USA, 'The crickets are louder than the bands!' summed up neatly one of the many unusual facets of this show.
 While each steelband presented their own particular moment of musical excellence, the outstanding performances of PANch 2000 of Switzerland, Invaders & Exodus of T&T, and NCB Angel Harps of Grenada, were revealing in the extreme. PANch 2000, in the only theatrical gesture of an otherwise sedate evening, 'morphed into 'Panorama' when they removed their stringent waist-coats to reveal underneath their symbolic winking T-shirts, prior to playing their calypso piece. This was greeted with strong approval of cheers from the astonished audience.
 PANch 2000 were exemplary in opening the eyes of understanding for us all into what was truly happening here at this Worlds Steelband Music Festival 2000. The local bands were interpreting classical pieces and demonstrating Panorama calypso. The visitors were otherwise playing classical music and interpreting the calypso genre. What a staggering musical feast.
 The show continues on Friday to possibly reveal more of a world of music about which our forefathers of Pan could have only dreamt. Thank you Trinidad and Tobago for your Pan. Thank you World for your music.
Orchestra Preliminaries-2 - Thursday October 12th - 2000
  Orchestras or Steelbands (See Combined Results Below)
  Now sorted in descending order of Rank as attained in this evenings show. See PO for Play Position
PLR PL-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
798.0   A6 2000Fr Euro 4th 523.0 PANch 2000 Leukerbad Switzerland
780.0   A2 1998PB-IX T&T j-1st 553.0 Exodus ET Trinidad
774.0   A7 1998PB-IX T&T 5th 523.0 BWIA Invaders NT Trinidad
712.5   A5   T&T     Our Boys TB Tobago
707.0   A1 1998PB-IX T&T 6th 521.5 Courts Laventille Sound Specialists NT Trinidad
697.0   A8 1998PB-IX T&T 9th 510.0 Parry's Pan School ET Trinidad
676.0   A4   Carib     NCB Angel Harps (G) St George's Grenada
641.0   A3 1998PB-IX T&T 7th 517.0 Moods ET Trinidad
 Starlift of St Vincent & The Grenadines unfortunately did not make it to the show.
Friday October 13th 2000 - Orchestra Preliminaries-3    Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
Jean Pierre Complex, Woodbrook, PoS
Orchestra Preliminaries-3 - Friday October 13th - 2000
  Orchestras or Steelbands (See Combined Results Below)
  Now sorted in descending order of Rank as attained in this evenings show. See PO for Play Position
PLR PL-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
778.0   B8 1998PB-IX T&T j-1st 553.0 T&T Defence Force Steel Orchestra NT Trinidad
772.0   B3 2000Fr Euro 1st 545.0 BWIA Ebony London UK
771.0   B5   NAmr     Northern Illinois University Steel Band DeKalb, IL USA
758.0   B1 2000Fr Euro 2nd 532.0 Calypsociation Romainville France
750.0   B7 1998PB-IX T&T 4th 527.5 TCL Group Skiffle Bunch SC Trinidad
739.0   B6 1998PB-IX T&T 3rd 534.5 Solo Pan Knights ET Trinidad
739.0   B9 2000Fr Euro 3rd 531.0 Steel Pan Lovers Karjaa Finland
672.0   B4   NAmr     CASYM Brooklyn, NY USA
616.0   B2 1998PB-IX T&T 8th 514.5 Tobago Buccooneers TB Tobago

  Orchestras or Steelbands
16 bands qualify for the Semi Finals over 2 days; Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th October 2000
A draw will decide play order and positions.

PLR PL-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
798.0 1st A6 2000Fr Euro 4th 523.0 PANch 2000 Leukerbad Switzerland
780.0 2nd A2 1998PB-IX T&T j-1st 553.0 Exodus ET Trinidad
778.0 3rd B8 1998PB-IX T&T j-1st 553.0 T&T Defence Force Steel Orchestra NT Trinidad
774.0 4th A7 1998PB-IX T&T 5th 523.0 BWIA Invaders NT Trinidad
772.0 5th B3 2000Fr Euro 1st 545.0 BWIA Ebony London UK
771.0 6th B5   NAmr     Northern Illinois University Steel Band DeKalb, IL USA
758.0 7th B1 2000Fr Euro 2nd 532.0 Calypsociation Romainville France
750.0 8th B7 1998PB-IX T&T 4th 527.5 TCL Group Skiffle Bunch SC Trinidad
739.0 j-9th B6 1998PB-IX T&T 3rd 534.5 Solo Pan Knights ET Trinidad
739.0 j-9th B9 2000Fr Euro 3rd 531.0 Steel Pan Lovers Karjaa Finland
712.5 11th A5   T&T     Our Boys TB Tobago
707.0 12th A1 1998PB-IX T&T 6th 521.5 Courts Laventille Sound Specialists NT Trinidad
697.0 13th A8 1998PB-IX T&T 9th 510.0 Parry's Pan School ET Trinidad
676.0 14th A4   Carib     NCB Angel Harps (G) St George's Grenada
672.0 15th B4   NAmr     CASYM Brooklyn, NY USA
641.0 16th A3 1998PB-IX T&T 7th 517.0 Moods ET Trinidad

616.0 17th B2 1998PB-IX T&T 8th 514.5 Tobago Buccooneers TB Tobago



Saturday October 14th 2000    Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
Blocko & Pan Market -
04:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Brian Lara Promenade, Down Town, Port of Spain

 Saturday October 14th 2000 is designated as a festival Rain Day. Should there be rain on a planned festival event, then that spacific event may be moved over to the Rain Day.
 The planned Blocko & Pan Market shown here, may itself be moved over to Sunday October 15th, should the Rain Day be needed.
 For reasons of 'Pans' awaited to be returned from the USA, one of these invited bands may not be able to attend. So a change in line up is still possible.
  Orchestras or Steelbands - Invited to perform before the public
 PR = Times Panorama Winner
PR Steelband Local Country
Desperadoes Panorama Profile x10
WITCO Desperadoes NT Trinidad
Phase II Pan Groove Panorama Profile x2
Petrotrin Phase II Pan Groove NT Trinidad
Hatters Panorama Profile x1
Trinmar Hatters SC Trinidad
 News indicates that all the 7 visiting steel bands will also appear at the Brian Lara Promenade Blocko.

NCB Angel Harps, Grenada
PANch 2000, Switzerland
Calypsociation, France
BWIA Ebony, UK - [May not appear]
Northern Illinois University Steel Band, USA
Steel Pan Lovers, Finland.
 Of the visiting steelbands, BWIA Ebony was the only one able to make an appearance before the public and represented the World Visitors at the Brian Lara Promenade, Port of Spain. Ebony form London England, the winners of the European leg of the WSMF 2000 competition and now standing 5th after the preliminary rounds here in Trinidad, started the Blocko at around 05:40 pm. Ebony attracted an appreciative local audience, which packed tightly around the band that was situated under a tent. At the same time the band had T-shirts and other memorabilia for sale under an adjoining tent.
 Under another tent near by, local pan memorabilia, CD's and some local craft-work were laid out on tables for sale.
 A DJ occupied the next tent or booth in line and had been loudly blaring away various selections of pan, soca, chutney and calypso music since around at least 04:30 in the afternoon. He acted as filler between sets, when one steelband stopped and the other band present prepared to play.
 Under the next tent, and in front of the DJ's speakers, was the only other steelband present at the Blocko, Trinmar Hatters. Representing Trinidad and Tobago in a manor of welcome, Hatters from Lady Hailes Avenue, San Fernando, 1 times Panorama winners 1975, 5th in this years Panorama 2000, joint South and Central zone Panorama champions 2000 together with Tornadoes of Point Fortin, 1st and year 2000 winners of the Pan in the 21st Century competition, played a solid sound in their turn to a growing audience as the evening went on.
 The event sponsored by Carib beer and Radio Vibe FM105, was aired live by the station, starting at 06:00 pm and until the bands ran out of music at around 09:30 pm. Vibe FM105 operated from the tent next in row to Hatters. Vibe FM105 interviewed the bands present and any members of the visitor bands they could find from those roaming around. The event had arrived at the 11th hour and was under publicised. Vibe FM105's campaign for the event probably accounted for most of the attendant public as they had begun exposure late on that morning.
 The steelbands had each presented two tough sets by the close of the show. The absence of some of the other visitor bands was accounted to their having a day off from what had after all been a gruelling period of practice and presentation. Ebony's presence was thus a much appreciated effort. The absence of ’Radoes and Phase II had proved some disappointment to the local crowd.


Tuesday October 17th 2000 - Orchestra Simi Finals-1 & Single Pan Bands Finals-1    Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
Jean Pierre Complex, Woodbrook, PoS
Single Pan Bands Finals-1 - Tuesday October 17th - 2000
  Single Pan Bands Finalists-1 (See Combined Results Below)
  Now sorted in descending order of Rank as attained in this evenings show. See PO for Play Position
FR Top-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
503.0   A2 1998PB-IX T&T 2nd 517.5 La Romain Super Vibes Pan Movement SC Trinidad
488.0   A3 1998PB-IX T&T 5th 513.5 Trinidad Nostalgic ET Trinidad
**228.0   A1 1998PB-IX T&T 3rd 514.5 Dem Boys TB Tobago
  ** No Music-Score sheet was supplied as required by rules. For Tune of Choice = 0.0 Points.
Orchestras or Steelbands Simi Finals-1 - Tuesday October 17th - 2000
  Orchestras or Steelbands Simi Finalists-1 (See Combined Results Below)
  Now sorted in descending order of Rank as attained in this evenings show. See SFO for Play Position

SFR SF-Rank SFO PLR PL-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
534.0   A5 774.0 4th A7 1998PB-IX T&T 5th 523.0 BWIA Invaders NT Trinidad
527.0   A6 772.0 5th B3 2000Fr Euro 1st 545.0 BWIA Ebony London UK
525.0   A3 780.0 2nd A2 1998PB-IX T&T j-1st 553.0 Exodus ET Trinidad
506.0   A7 739.0 j-9th B9 2000Fr Euro 3rd 531.0 Steel Pan Lovers Karjaa Finland
500.0   A2 758.0 7th B1 2000Fr Euro 2nd 532.0 Calypsociation Romainville France
492.5   A8 676.0 14th A4   Carib     NCB Angel Harps (G) St George's Grenada
479.0   A4 707.0 12th A1 1998PB-IX T&T 6th 521.5 Courts Laventille Sound Specialists NT Trinidad
456.0   A1 641.0 16th A3 1998PB-IX T&T 7th 517.0 Moods ET Trinidad
  Tune of Choice + Calypso of Choice only will be played.
  Max play time = 25 minutes in total
  Top Ranking 8 Bands for Finals Saturday - October 21st - 2000

Wednesday October 18th 2000 - Orchestra Simi Finals-2 & Single Pan Bands Finals-2    Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
Jean Pierre Complex, Woodbrook, PoS
Single Pan Bands Finals-2 - Wednesday October 18th - 2000
  Single Pan Bands Finalists-2 (See Combined Results Below)
  Now sorted in descending order of Rank as attained in this evenings show. See PO for Play Position

FR Top-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
454.0   B1 1998PB-IX T&T 6th 508.5 Marsicans ET Trinidad
447.5   B2 1998PB-IX T&T 4th 514.0 Scrunters Pan Groove NT Trinidad
  Laventille Serenaders - 1998PB-IX, T&T, 1st, 542.0 - From NT zone in Trinidad are unable to attend the show.
Orchestras or Steelbands Simi Finals-2 - Wednesday October 18th - 2000
  Orchestras or Steelbands Simi Finalists-2 (See Combined Results Below)
  Now sorted in descending order of Rank as attained in this evenings show. See SFO for Play Position

SFR SF-Rank SFO PLR PL-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
558.0   B3 750.0 8th B7 1998PB-IX T&T 4th 527.5 TCL Group Skiffle Bunch SC Trinidad
538.5   B7 771.0 6th B5   NAmr     Northern Illinois University Steel Band DeKalb, IL USA
535.5   B2 778.0 3rd B8 1998PB-IX T&T j-1st 553.0 T&T Defence Force Steel Orchestra NT Trinidad
534.5   B6 798.0 1st A6 2000Fr Euro 4th 523.0 PANch 2000 Leukerbad Switzerland
502.0   B8 672.0 15th B4   NAmr     CASYM Brooklyn, NY USA
502.0   B4 712.5 11th A5   T&T     Our Boys TB Tobago
496.0   B1 739.0 j-9th B6 1998PB-IX T&T 3rd 534.5 Solo Pan Knights ET Trinidad
487.0   B5 697.0 13th A8 1998PB-IX T&T 9th 510.0 Parry's Pan School ET Trinidad
  Tune of Choice + Calypso of Choice only will be played.
  Max play time = 25 minutes in total
  Top Ranking 8 Bands for Finals Saturday - October 21st - 2000
Single Pan Bands

  Single Pan Bands Final Results   The Single Pan Bands MUSIC lists - Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
FR Top-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
503.0 1st A2 1998PB-IX T&T 2nd 517.5 La Romain Super Vibes Pan Movement SC Trinidad
488.0 2nd A3 1998PB-IX T&T 5th 513.5 Trinidad Nostalgic ET Trinidad
454.0 3rd B1 1998PB-IX T&T 6th 508.5 Marsicans ET Trinidad
447.5 4th B2 1998PB-IX T&T 4th 514.0 Scrunters Pan Groove NT Trinidad
**228.0 5th A1 1998PB-IX T&T 3rd 514.5 Dem Boys TB Tobago
  Dem Boys have lodged an official complaint which is being invistigated.
  So this result is NOT Officially standing at this time.
  ** No Music-Score sheet was supplied as required by rules. For Tune of Choice = 0.0 Points.
  Orchestras or Steelbands
8 Bands qualify for the Finals on Saturday 21st October 2000
A draw will decide play order and positions.
  Orchestras or Steelbands Semi Final Results   Some PICTURES - The Bands MUSIC lists - Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
SFR SF-Rank SFO PLR PL-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
558.0 1st B3 750.0 8th B7 1998PB-IX T&T 4th 527.5 TCL Group Skiffle Bunch SC Trinidad
538.5 2nd B7 771.0 6th B5   NAmr     Northern Illinois University Steel Band DeKalb, IL USA
535.5 3rd B2 778.0 3rd B8 1998PB-IX T&T j-1st 553.0 T&T Defence Force Steel Orchestra NT Trinidad
534.5 4th B6 798.0 1st A6 2000Fr Euro 4th 523.0 PANch 2000 Leukerbad Switzerland
534.0 5th A5 774.0 4th A7 1998PB-IX T&T 5th 523.0 BWIA Invaders NT Trinidad
527.0 6th A6 772.0 5th B3 2000Fr Euro 1st 545.0 BWIA Ebony London UK
525.0 7th A3 780.0 2nd A2 1998PB-IX T&T j-1st 553.0 Exodus ET Trinidad
506.0 8th A7 739.0 j-9th B9 2000Fr Euro 3rd 531.0 Steel Pan Lovers Karjaa Finland

502.0 j-9th B8 672.0 15th B4   NAmr     CASYM Brooklyn, NY USA
502.0 j-9th B4 712.5 11th A5   T&T     Our Boys TB Tobago
500.0 11th A2 758.0 7th B1 2000Fr Euro 2nd 532.0 Calypsociation Romainville France
496.0 12th B1 739.0 j-9th B6 1998PB-IX T&T 3rd 534.5 Solo Pan Knights ET Trinidad
492.5 13th A8 676.0 14th A4   Carib     NCB Angel Harps (G) St George's Grenada
487.0 14th B5 697.0 13th A8 1998PB-IX T&T 9th 510.0 Parry's Pan School ET Trinidad
479.0 15th A4 707.0 12th A1 1998PB-IX T&T 6th 521.5 Courts Laventille Sound Specialists NT Trinidad
456.0 16th A1 641.0 16th A3 1998PB-IX T&T 7th 517.0 Moods ET Trinidad
SFR SF-Rank SFO PLR PL-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country



Friday October 20th 2000 - Ensembles and Minor Categories Finals    Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
The Grand Stand, Queens Park Savannah, Port of Spain
  Ensembles Finalists and Results    Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
FR Top-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Associated Steelband Local Country
272.0 j-1st 4   NAmr     Florida Memorial Miami USA
272.0 j-1st 5 1998PB-IX T&T 3rd 523.5 Tipica Ensemble ET Trinidad
254.0 3rd 6   Carib     Piton Diamond Steel Band + St Lucia
251.0 4th 2 1998PB-IX T&T 5th 508.0 Our Boys TB Tobago
247.0 5th 1 1998PB-IX T&T 1st 535.0 Exodus Ensemble ET Trinidad
225.0 6th 3 1998PB-IX T&T 4th 520.0 Petrotrin Saparia Deltones SC Trinidad
204.0 7th 7   Carib     Jamaica Humming Birds + Jamaica
No Show xxx xxx 1998PB-IX T&T 2nd 527.0 TCL Group Skiffle Bunch SC Trinidad
  Quartets Finalists and Results   Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
FR Top-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Contestants Associated Steelband Local Country
271.0 1st 5 1998PB-IX T&T 1st 262.0 Kurt Edwards
Hayden Hosein
Andy Husbands
Anthony Juggy Rose
T + dSc + 3Ch + 6B
Exodus ET Trinidad
261.0 2nd 6 2000Fr Euro     Jason Constantine / dSc
Carlene Etienne
Delphina Paness James / 7B
Crystal Phillips
T + 3Ch
BWIA Ebony London UK
259.0 3rd 4   Carib     Diallo Dixon / dSc
Raisha Lovindeer / dT
Keisha McDonnough / 3Ch
Bianca Welds / T
UWI Panoridim + Jamaica
255.0 4th 3 1998PB-IX T&T 3rd 254.0 Damion Alexander / 3Ch
Joseph Lett / T
Joseph Junior Lett / dSc
Dwayne Pompey / 4hB
Point Fortin New Creations SC Trinidad
237.0 5th 2 1998PB-IX T&T 2nd 259.5 w/a, T + dSc + 3Ch + 4hB Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars NT Trinidad
227.0 6th 1 1998PB-IX T&T 4th 252.0 w/a, T + dSc + 3Ch + 6B Parry's Pan School ET Trinidad
No Show xxx xxx   NAmr     Gerard Boucaud
Alfred Harris III
Kyle Hill
Kenrick Noel
Florida Memorial Miami USA
  Duets Finalists and Results   Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
FR Top-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Contestants Associated Steelband Local Country
257.0 1st 2 1998PB-IX T&T 2nd 256.0 Marissa Theodore
Melissa Theodore
T + dT
Exodus ET Trinidad
246.0 2nd 3   NAmr     Elthron Anderson
Astar Bishop
T + dS
Florida Memorial Miami USA
241.0 3rd 1 1998PB-IX T&T 3rd 248.0 Marsha Ivey
Gay Magnus
T + 3Ch
Exodus ET Trinidad
No Show xxx xxx 1998PB-IX T&T 1st 261.0 Desiree Myers
Rudolph Williams
BWIA Invaders NT Trinidad
  Soloists Finalists and Results   Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
FR Top-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Contestants Associated Steelband Local Country
272.0 1st 6 1998PB-IX T&T j-5th 258.5 Ms Sophia Subero / T Exodus ET Trinidad
265.5 2nd 8 1998PB-IX Europe 1st 267.0 Mr Brent Holder / T BWIA Ebony London UK
251.0 3rd 5   NAmr     Mr Kenrick Noel / dT Florida Memorial Miami USA
246.0 4th 7 1998PB-IX T&T 3rd 261.0 Mr Ronnie Ross Seranaders NT Trinidad
242.0 5th 4 1998PB-IX T&T 4th 260.0 Mr Bruce Roberts / T + dS Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars NT Trinidad
237.0 6th 2   NAmr     Mr Astar Bishop Florida Memorial Miami USA
236.0 7th 11   NAmr     Mr Khuent Rose / dS
[Late Addition]
CASYM Brooklin USA
235.0 8th 9   NAmr     Mr Kyle Hill / dS Florida Memorial Miami USA
226.0 9th 1 1998PB-IX T&T j-5th 258.5 Ms Ebony Rocke Our Boys TB Tobago
225.0 10th 10 1998PB-IX T&T 2nd 263.0 Mr Jason Peters / T Moods ET Trinidad
210.0 11th 3   NAmr     Mr Alfred Harris III Florida Memorial Miami USA
No Show xxx xxx   NAmr     Mr Caldera Caraballo + + USA
No Show xxx xxx   Carib     Mr Colgrain Whyte + + Guyana


Saturday October 21st 2000 - Orchestra Finals
Jean Pierre Complex, Woodbrook, PoS
   Back to WSMF 2000 Events COUNTDOWN
  Orchestras or Steelbands Finalists & Results   Rough View 1 The Opening - Rough View 2 The FINALS - The Bands MUSIC lists
FR Top-Rank ToC Calypso FPO SFR SF-Rank SFO PLR PL-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
576.5 1st     6 558.0 1st B3 750.0 8th B7 1998PB-IX T&T 4th 527.5 TCL Group Skiffle Bunch SC Trinidad
551.5 2nd     1 538.5 2nd B7 771.0 6th B5   NAmr     Northern Illinois University Steel Band DeKalb, IL USA
550.0 3rd     8 525.0 7th A3 780.0 2nd A2 1998PB-IX T&T j-1st 553.0 Exodus ET Trinidad
544.5 4th     3 527.0 6th A6 772.0 5th B3 2000Fr Euro 1st 545.0 BWIA Ebony London UK
537.0 5th     7 534.0 5th A5 774.0 4th A7 1998PB-IX T&T 5th 523.0 BWIA Invaders NT Trinidad
535.5 6th     4 534.5 4th B6 798.0 1st A6 2000Fr Euro 4th 523.0 PANch 2000 Leukerbad Switzerland
530.0 7th     2 535.5 3rd B2 778.0 3rd B8 1998PB-IX T&T j-1st 553.0 T&T Defence Force Steel Orchestra NT Trinidad
523.5 8th     5 506.0 8th A7 739.0 j-9th B9 2000Fr Euro 3rd 531.0 Steel Pan Lovers Karjaa Finland
FR Top-Rank ToC Calypso FPO SFR SF-Rank SFO PLR PL-Rank PO Qualified W-Zone Q-Place Q-Points Steelband Local Country
Participants Status WSMF 2000 © 2000: tobagojo@gmail.com - 20001008 - 1m20071228 - 2m20151031
Historic Update: 03 July 2005; Last Update: 31 October 2015 24:00:00 TT
Processed by: Jeremy G de Barry
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Compiled & Processed by Islands Research for:
The Steelbands (Pan) of Trinidad & Tobago

Welcome to the World Steelband Music Festival 2000 - Participants Status and Results Page on The Steelbands of TT. Press for update when On-Line; or copy PAGE URL from here.